Mt. Juliet Christian Academy Helios Energy Video
Helios Energy™ partnered with Synapse Wireless and Mount Juliet Christian Academy to execute a capital improvement project that would replace all existing sports lighting at the football complex following the destruction of the property in a 2020 tornado that devastated greater-Nashville.
Challenge: Replace and upgrade all sports lighting for the MJCA football field ensuring that it meets all TN State standards for school sports fields, surpasses hurricane wind standards, and delivers unprecedented customization and control for ease of use.
Need 1: Meet and exceed hurricane standards, to withstand any significant weather that may hit the area in the future. This includes wind gusts of more than 115 mph.
Need 2: Meet Tennessee regulatory standards set for lighting photometric at high school sports facilities. For football, the standard is a target of 30-foot candles. However, the Helios Team established a minimum standard for this solution of 50-foot candles.
Need 3: Add a stand-alone mesh network, independent controls system so the end-user has complete control, remotely from an app that can be used anywhere within the facility.
Highly engineered solution which incorporated 48 fixtures, across (4) 70-foot poles which are rated to withstand up to 115 mph. These advanced LED fixtures are under warrantee for 7 years with Helios, which results in a substantial reduction in maintenance costs.
Based on photometric readings, all Tennessee-State photometric standards were far exceeded with the solution, with over 55.57 Fc in the endzones, 25.74 Fc in the perimeter, and 68.48 Fc on the playing field!
The lighting solution established a mesh network using technology by Synapse, which allows coaches, administrators, and facility maintenance staff to manage on-field lighting at the touch of a button. Making control even more convenient, the Synapse system can be managed at any location, allowing for ultimate ease in usability and customization.
48 total fixtures installed atop 70-foot poles around the football complex.
(Quantity – 36) 1250W Sports Light, 25 DEG
(Quantity – 12) 1250W Sport Light, 60 DEG
- Drastically reduced overall maintenance costs and time for DCA administration and staff
- Notably improved environmental impact as old fixtures were all metal halide and all newly installed are LED
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